Friday, July 16, 2010

What I Did For Love

     There is usually some sort of weird thought that gets stuck in my head every day that eventually materializes into a "theme" for the next 24 hours, I obsess over it ad nauseum and think I need to share it with everyone that I can manipulate into listening...thus the need to start this blog.  My friends have always told me that I overthink everything.  That's probably true, so I'm hoping that this will be a good, healthy outlet for me and I'll be able to ease up on people who have the bad luck to come into the sanctuary of my personal space when I feel the need to verbally ejaculate (that one's for you, Steve).  I'd like to think that I think the same kind of thoughts that everybody else does...the only difference is that I like to admit out loud exactly what I'm thinking...hopefully I can say the things that most people are too afraid to confess and everybody can be entertained.  For example, one day at lunch I told a story about a "boy" friend I had a few years back and somebody thought that it would be a good idea for me to start a blog...I usually have some unusual story with some unusual slant to it.  In fact, I have a ton of stories about odd experiences I've had in my life.  Even my dad has always told me that I should write a book about my life because I've experienced so many things.  So, sit back and relax and I'll tell the story I told at can decide if you've ever done anything like this before, but been too embarassed to admit out loud what your real motivation was.  I guess the reason I feel so compelled to be so uncensored about my real thoughts is because I feel a need to purge my soul.  So, here goes...
        A few years back, I was half-heartedly in the market for a new car...the car I had right then was paid for but I had started having a lot of repair bills.  There was this fellow...let's call him Earnest...he knew a little bit about cars and we had talked a little bit about what I was looking for.  We spent a lot of time together, but I could never tell if we were dating or just "hanging out."  One day he called, told me that he'd stopped by a car wholesaler and had found a car that he thought would be perfect for me.  We went to look at the car.  It was an awesome deal and I figured that I couldn't NOT buy it because he'd gone to all this trouble, I wanted him to like me and he was way cute...too cute for me.  Somehow...I honestly can't remember how...I ended up talking myself into buying the car thinking that at the very least, maybe I'd get lucky.  Well, I never got lucky.  Earnest never got lucky.  In fact, I never did figure out what was going on between us.  Now he's married and I am...not  (thank God...but that's a subject for a later, longer, more bitter and jaded post).  Bottom line is this...LIFE LESSON LEARNED...don't do things to please men or make them feel like they are a hero, 'cuz in the end, it just ain't enough to get 'em to put out and you get stuck with a payment every month.
    P.S.  Yes, I still have the car.


  1. It reminds of the time I bought a used sports car on a credit card because I thought it would impress my boyfriend Sam and that he would marry me. I didn't marry Sam, and he never rode in my car!

  2. Hahaha! I feel so dirty. Nevertheless, the sanctuary of your personal space is one of my favorite places of worship.
