Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yay, California!!!

Seriously...if those who are threatened by same sex marriage loved someone who is denied the basic right to marry the person he/she loves, the issue would take on a whole new dimension. If it were your child, would you begrudge them the same chance at happiness to which you have been privy?  If you were forbidden to marry the person whom you are with right now, how would you feel?  Even if you don't love someone who is in a same sex relationship, can you articulate in any way, shape or form why it is such an inconvenience to you?  Perhaps it's a. fear of the unknown.  Or a self esteem issue.  Whatever it may be, allow yourself to love someone who's different from you...try it on for size.  And if that fails, try pulling the plank out of your own eye and MYOB!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was super happy to read this today! I felt my heart skip a beat out of pure happiness!!!

  3. Hip Hip Hooray. This ruling is certainly a step in the right direction toward allowing everyone the same opportunities.

  4. You are so on it girl, Necole would be proud.

  5. Mom is right I am proud very well put!!! A dear friend of mine said "If you don't like gays or gay marriage, don't blame the people who are gay blame the straight people who keep having gay babies."
